Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Flag Football
Friday, September 25, 2009
Canoe trip
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Caleb's 9th birthday
Happy Birthday, Caleb boy!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Anyway, on with the birthday. Trevor made me breakfast and the kids could hardly wait to give me their homemade gifts. For lunch, Mignonne, Jennifer and Maggie took me to lunch - they even provided a babysitter for my 2 youngest. Thank you so much ladies it was the break I needed so badly.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Snakes and Turtles
I did a lot of research on turtles and tortoises. We took it to the pet store and confirmed my suspicions. We would not be keeping Tubby. First of all the setup for his home, etc would be upwards of $300. Second, tortoises are not the best pet for young kids since they tend to bite and carry all kinds of parasites and worms. Third, we already have one pet and I really didn't want a second. The kids of course cried but have since almost forgotten all about him.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Trevor and I drove to Logan on Friday and had a peaceful relaxing day.
On Saturday we awoke at 4 am which actually wasn't too early for us, just an hour earlier than normal. Trevor was unsure about how his ankle would hold up but was confident the cortisone shot he'd received would do the trick. Unfortunately, his ankle gave out at mile 9 and he walked(rather limped) to the aid station at mile 11. He was pretty bummed - but hey he still went 11 miles. I saw him at mile 9.5. He begged for me to go on running and finish. I got choked up and had a really hard time leaving my ailing husband to fend for himself.
For me the marathon went a lot better than I was expecting. The miles seemed to go by really quickly which I was not expecting. I also thought that by the time I got to the finish line I'd be so tired I'd collapse, but my mom says of all the races she's seen me finish I looked the best after the marathon. Don't get me wrong IT WAS HARD just not as hard as my overacting imagination thought it would be.
The day was bittersweet. I was so happy that I accomplished my goal and felt good about my efforts, but I was sad that Trevor and I couldn't enjoy it together.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Last Monday night I challenged to kids to do a secret service for someone in the family. Obviously I needed to better describe service because Caleb reported his service was keeping his room clean and Michelle's service was doing her homework. However, Megan didn't realize it but she actually had done service. Without my asking her to she picked up all the the books and toys that Gabriella had scattered around their room.
This is the before (taken a week or so ago).

This is the before (taken a week or so ago).
This is the after - not perfect I know, but better than it was.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Take a good look at Trevor's right foot and you'll see that he was a good sport and even rode the bike wearing a boot brace.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Paint and Rooms
One of the things Trevor and I have been discussing for over a year is the kids' room situation. We finally came to the conclusion to move Caleb into our playroom. It previously had all white walls so we thought we could spruce it up for him. We chose the colors then set to work painting while my parents were here so they could help. This is how my mom and Caleb helped.

My dad actually knew what he was doing.
Trevor's painting merit badge in scouts finally came in handy.
Now a week transpired between the above and below pictures. Trevor had to wear a boot brace on his foot and didn't couldn't move around well enough to finish the painting job. I was impatient and didn't want to wait for him so I did it myself. Mind you I have NEVER painted a room in my life so there was a huge learning curve.
Even after 2 coats the green wall didn't look very good. Trevor was able to help me with the 3rd coat so we could paint much faster and now the green walls look great.
My dad actually knew what he was doing.
BEWARE these are some gruesome pictures. Michelle and Caleb have serious issues with cleaning their room (hence one of the reasons we had to split them up).
Now that Caleb has his own room he has taken pride in keeping it clean (miracle of miracles!)
It took us a long day of cleaning to be able to see carpet again, and now that we can see floor I've given Michelle specific instructions of keeping her things picked up. As you can see she took that to mean things picked up off the floor but her bed is fair game for anything and everything.
As if we didn't get in enough painting yet, we're still needing to paint Michelle's window wall blue. As soon as the painting is done Megan will share this room with Michelle and Gabriella will then have her own room.
Now where do you think all the clothes from the floor of their room ended up - - you guessed it-the laundry room floor. Obviously my kids think there's a magical laundry fairy that washes and folds all their clothes. Little do they know that I'll be having a folding party and all of them will be participating.
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