Monday, November 17, 2008

Goodbye Blisters! Hallelujah!

Podiatrists are PHENOMENAL! Ever since I've started running I've been plagued with BOUS's (blisters of unusual size). I've tried everything to prevent them to no avail. Then I gave up and went to see a podiatrist that a friend recommended (if only my brother-in-law lived closer). I won't give you the whole long story but it turns out my blisters were being caused from inside the foot. Suffice it to say that now I wear orthotics (shoe inserts) and my feet and legs have never felt better. It's now only a matter of time until the blisters start to fade. Now a marathon is an actual possibility! CAUTION: the following photo is not for the faint of heart, but I had to show you proof of the plague.
The picture doesn't do the blisters justice (yes that's a bulging blood blister on the left foot). These are my feet after the HALF marathon my husband and I ran last July. I shudder to think what they would've looked like if the race would've been a FULL marathon?!


smithsmiles said...

we do love podiatrists! Hope you start feeling better soon.

Trisha said...

Oh my goodness! Your poor feet look soo sore! I'm glad the podiatrist helped you!

Unknown said...

WOW Ang...didn't know you took up a love for running.

I've heard it's all about the shoe inserts.

When I get back to feeling better, I will have to work back up to my one mile run, and then get some inserts....awesome.