16 Random Things About Me
1. I've lived in 18 different houses and in 5 different states during my entire life. That averages to one house every 2 years of my life. But my having lived in our current house for almost 10 years, skews the statistics.2. My favorite tv show is MASH. In a distant way, its actually responsible for me meeting my husband. Me and a colleague were talking about MASH when she said she had a brother-in-law that liked the show too. One thing led to another and now 10 years later we're proud parents of the DVDs of all 13 seasons of MASH.
3. My favorite color is WHITE. Some people (like my mom) refuse to acknowledge white as an actual color, to them I'll avoid the argument and just tell them BLUE is my second favorite color.
4. On my left forearm I have 7 moles that can be connected to make the Little Dipper. In fact my back has so many moles that it even surprised my dermatologist into saying "WOW! You are moley."
5. Up until March 24, 2007 I'd never run more than 1 mile at a time. On that date I set a goal to run a half marathon. I prodded my husband into running the race with me. Now, almost 2 years later, it's not even considered a workout unless I run at least 4 miles.
6. I am the middle child of 5 kids. I'm pretty sure I exhibit all the symptoms of "middle child syndrome". My parents only have 2 photos of me by myself (1 on my blessing day and 1 when I'm about a year). To make up for that when I take pictures of my kids, I often shoo the others out of the way so that it's a picture of an individual not the whole group.
7. ARACHNOPHOBIA. I have it big time. Before I became a mom, it'd take 5 minutes of talking myself into it, before I could kill a spider. Now, it's not as hard to kill them since I'm "protecting" my kids, but I still hate feeling the crunching of exoskeleton under my shoe. I must admit that I was happy to have my first born be a boy because it'd be that much sooner he'd be squishing spiders for me. My dad loves to tease me by smashing a spider with his bare hand then trying to wipe his hand on me.
8. Procrastination is my middle name. When I was in school I'd procrastinate doing homework by doing housework. Now I procrastinate housework by writing in my blogs.
9. I love planting seeds and watching them grow. Unfortunately, our yard has poor soil. After having a garden for a just few years stripped all nourishment out of the soil. It won't even grow zucchini now.
10. I've only left the country one time (Tijuana and Niagara Falls don't count) and that was to go to Japan on our honeymoon.
11. I've worn glasses since I was 10 and contacts since I was 12. Without corrective lenses I am legally blind 4 times over (for inquiring minds and those who understand, my Rx is -10.5).
12. Scary movies are a no go for me. I freak out even after watching "Criminal Minds" on tv.
13. I'm not good at confrontations. I will either just sit there and not say anything or I'll leave the room. In fight or flight, I'll always choose flight. In my head I'm having a shouting match with the person that's involved. But after a few hours, I've worked it out in my head and can then move on.
14. In my youth (10-12 yrs old) I was on a track team that went to Nationals. Back then I was a sprinter (100m, 200m, long jump and sometimes 400m). I came in last or 2nd to last in all my races, but at least I got to travel to the fun and exotic places of Lincoln, Nebraska and Albequerque, New Mexico.
15. My first real date wasn't until a few days after my 18th birthday. Not by choice or parental restriction, just no one asked me until then. That's also the first time that having a brother just 17 months older than me paid off. It was one of his friends that asked me out.
16. I'm a chocoholic. When I was younger I'd give all the non-chocolate Halloween candy to my siblings, especially gum. Gum is one of my pet peeves. Especially when people take out their gum, stick it on their plate (or worse yet behind their ear), eat their food then re-chew the gum. It gives me chills just thinking about it.
1 comment:
I would have to disagree on #15... don't you remember Mark? Prom? That is considered a date :)
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