I've been to 9 of the 25 and Trevor has been to 12 of the 25. How many have you been to?
1) Mesa Verde - Colorado
2) Fort Sumter - South Carolina
3) Williamsburg, Va
4) Gettysburg - Pennsylvania
5) The Freedom Trail - Boston
6) Mystic Seaport - Connecticut (whaling)
7) Independence Hall - Philadelphia
8) Golden Spike - Utah
9) Monticello - Virginia
10) Yellowstone - Wyoming
11) French Quarter - Louisiana
12) Little Bighorn - Montana
13) Fort Clatsop - Oregon
14) Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty - New York
15) Washington, DC
16) Wright Brothers - North Carolina
17) Seneca Falls, NY (women's rights)
18) Hollywood, California
19) The Alamo - Texas
20) Mount Rushmore - South Dakota
21) Springfield, Illinois
22) USS Arizona - Hawaii
23) Harper's Ferry - W. Virginia
24) Trinity Site - New Mexico (1st atomic blast)
25) Montgomery, Alabama
Wow, I have only been to one. I need to get traveling.
I've only been two eight. Maybe it's time for a family road trip...
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